A telehealth, case-based learning program aimed to enhance the quality of care to LTC residents by building resiliency in LTC team members during COVID-19.

A telehealth, case-based learning program aimed to enhance the quality of care to LTC residents by building resiliency in LTC team members during COVID-19.
Information on virtually enabled models of care to help streamline pre and post surgical delivery and processes while minimizing in- person contact.
Information on using a virtual approach to support patient-initiated requests for clinical assessment on demand.
Information on how pre-and post-operative surgical care can be supported virtually.
This document highlights variation on this model for consideration by organizations wishing to offer virtual services.
Information on COVID-19 patient remote monitoring solutions and pathways.
Information on virtual care during the COVID-19 pandemic.
To provide clinicians with information to support the use of video to assess respiratory status.
Provides guidance for health care providers who are interested in integrating virtual care into their practices—particularly virtual visits.
Resources to help physicians answer questions regarding virtual visits and consent during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Offers health care providers information that may assist in the use of virtual models of care in this pandemic period.
To help long- term care or retirement residence teams set up scheduled video calls between seniors and their loved ones.