Resources for long-term care workers.

Resources for long-term care workers.
A guide to moral injury for healthcare workers.
Each course offers easily applied scenario-based lessons, videos that feature people with lived experience of mental illness, reference guides, and practical handouts.
Virtual and in-person courses for individuals that are developing a mental health problem, experiencing a mental health crisis, or experiencing a worsening of their mental health.
Latest information on COVID-19 to help healthcare workers answer patient questions.
A COVID-19 Supplement to CAMH’s Mental Health Playbook for Business Leaders
Information on how to identify who is considered a close contact at work.
Information on identifying a close contact at work, in French.
Information on virtually enabled models of care to help streamline pre and post surgical delivery and processes while minimizing in- person contact.
Information on using a virtual approach to support patient-initiated requests for clinical assessment on demand.
Information on how pre-and post-operative surgical care can be supported virtually.
Information on virtual care during the COVID-19 pandemic.