A COVID-19 Supplement to CAMH’s Mental Health Playbook for Business Leaders

A COVID-19 Supplement to CAMH’s Mental Health Playbook for Business Leaders
Information on how to identify who is considered a close contact at work.
Information on identifying a close contact at work, in French.
Information on virtually enabled models of care to help streamline pre and post surgical delivery and processes while minimizing in- person contact.
Information on using a virtual approach to support patient-initiated requests for clinical assessment on demand.
Information on how pre-and post-operative surgical care can be supported virtually.
This document highlights variation on this model for consideration by organizations wishing to offer virtual services.
Information on COVID-19 patient remote monitoring solutions and pathways.
Information on virtual care during the COVID-19 pandemic.
To provide clinicians with information to support the use of video to assess respiratory status.
Provides guidance for health care providers who are interested in integrating virtual care into their practices—particularly virtual visits.
Provides information on cleaning and disinfecting virtual care equipment in health care organizations.